Forst Rekords Logo

Category: Uncategorized

  • The Forst Soundsystem

    The soundsystem is available for booking, click here It all started with a birthday present. I received this Nanopreamp as a gift from my best friends for my 40th birthday. They know about my love for dub and reggae music and decided to go one step further with this gift. In the culture of sound…

  • Impressum / Legal Notice

    Forst Rekords Record Label from Austria / Europe Robert TrömerMorigrabenstraße 253180 Lilienfeld Informationen und Offenlegung gemäß §5 (1) ECG, § 25 MedienG, § 63 GewO und § 14 UGB Webseitenbetreiber: Robert Trömer Anschrift: Morigrabenstraße 25, 3180 Lilienfeld KontaktdatenEmail: Anwendbare Rechtsvorschrift: Online Streitbeilegung: Verbraucher, welche in Österreich oder in einem sonstigen Vertragsstaat der ODR-VO niedergelassen sind, haben…

  • Forst Fest 2022

    Forst Fest is an independent art festival in Lower Austria. Surrounded by forests, the place creates an intimate atmosphere for the performing artists and the audience alike. Forst Fest is a space of cultural and artistic exchange created by artists for artists. The place offers platforms for concerts, art performances, readings and others, where our…

  • Roberta Lazo Valenzuela – Exótic ⚫ Album

    12″ Vinyl out now! Order vinyl now at Bandcamp!